Annan Riparian Restoration Network Funding Application
River Annan
Galloway Fisheries Trust and the River Annan District Salmon Fishery Board are working in partnership to develop a project that will restore native woodlands along the River Annan and its tributaries.
These woodlands will provide vital shade to watercourses during increasingly hot summers, improve water quality and provide habitat for a range of biodiversity.
We have submitted a proposal to the Riverwoods Investment Readiness Scheme a novel grant scheme that will provide expert advice and guidance in attracting private investment in nature recovery projects such as this. Project delivery will include community groups, schools and local organisations such as RAW.
The success of our application is decided by votes from the public. If you would be able to vote for our project and to share this as widely as possible it would be very much appreciated.
The voting can be done here and is open until Tuesday November 29th.
GFT has qualified for the second round of FIRNS funding, allowing us to continue and finalise the development of our Annan Riparian Restoration Network project.
A paid internship is available from September 2024 until end of February 2025 (26 weeks) to work with Galloway Fisheries Trust on the Solway Invasive Non Native Species INNS Control and Knowledge programme Phase 2 (advertised a few weeks ago but post was not filled).